It's been a dream of mine to have Nate come and play in The Press, but a dream I honestly didn't think would ever become reality. Yet with Nate doing a European pre-tour of his newly released album Moratorium (available on itunes and also at www.NathanChud.com ) he squeezed us in. Thanks Nate!
The night was full of original music, some great covers and even a song or two that Bryan and Nate's Dad wrote years ago. The atmosphere was buzzing and it was brilliant!
Lately I've started a habit I like to call mental snapshots. I pause in certain moments and attempt to memorize the feeling, the faces, the emotions tied to that space and time. Similar to the way a snapshot captures a moment in time. I realize this is not new but for me it's pure fun. I took quite a few mental snapshots on this particular night and was overwhelmed with how blessed I truly am. I think I've said it on here before but I'm living a dream right now. Some days I wish I could just go back to sleep but the fact is I'm living my dream wide awake. (side note, great book by Erwin McManus- Wide Awake) This dream is time consuming, energy consuming and sometimes I ponder just how we're going to make it financially but there are so many times where this job makes me stop, right where I am and shout out a simple 'Thank You' to my heavenly Father. This coffee shop is His, I'm His so it's nice to remember that sometimes.
If you are living out your dreams, remember to thank the dream giver and if you aren't, maybe it's time to start asking Him to dream over you. Pretty sure He's got some good ones left!
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