Wednesday, 2 September 2009

We're opening this Friday 4th September 10am!!!

Hello to all of you amazing followers, now you will officially have something to follow. This Friday the 4th of September 2009 The Press Coffee Shop will be opening it's doors to the public!!! I'm so excited and terrified at the same time! This is an absolute dream come true but I think there's a good amount of trepidation when your dream becomes a reality. Will this actually work? Will people come and like it? Will I be able to cope? And so the list of questions goes, most of which involve me searching my heart and finding that God has promised me some pretty amazing things. That when I'm weak He is strong. So I feel weak and underqualified but He's not and He's with me. He knows every need I have and anticipates with and for me the unforseen challenges that lie ahead. So this whole business of trust becomes a very personal path of day in and day out moments. But I am hopeful that God will create this space. That He will be what draws people in and makes them feel welcome. My prayer is that He uses my hands and my feet to do His work. Another promise, His grace is sufficient for me. I am human as any of you who know me well can attest to. Therefore I make mistakes, hurt people's feelings, lack common sense and generally act as humans do. So this promise of grace is one I rely heavily on each day. Grace from God that I can continue to serve Him to the end. Grace that I can show people His love and grace. Grace with those who I care for and sometimes don't show it. All of this to say that The Press is His deal, I just happened to catch wind of it when He whispered and now I'm part of His deal.

I hope all of you who can come, do. Stop in, have a chat with me and the other amazing volunteers who I hope to highlight as time goes and see what's going on at The Press.

Also, a huge thank you to the following people:
My hubby, for putting up with all of my self-doubts and not believing any of them and for simply loving me.
My Mom, for taking me to every coffee shop in Nampa, Idaho and creating a love of people in me.
My Dad, for being so supportive of me all these years and the ones to come.
The Carpenter Clan, for listening to me rant on and on about this coffee shop for the last year and a half.
Lynda, for always being so excited as I shared my dreams.
The Chud Clan, for dreaming with me and believing in me.
My friends, your support, ideas, and prayers have carried me farther than I knew they could.
Michelle, great minds think alike and this is your dream come true as much as it is mine.
Ciaran, you are the official cafe man!
Ian, partnering with EA is an awesome privilege, here's to the future!
Steven, the logo is just what I was hoping for and now you'll always have a visual representation of your handiwork.
Paul, for putting up with all of my pickiness.
Sharon, for late night chats about coffee shops, dreams and for even later nights setting the place up.
Colin H, our quick chats gave me a lot to think about and vision to move forward when I was standing still.
And last but not least,
Vineyard Church Dungannon, over the last 5 years you have grown me up, challenged me, walked me through the valleys and mountains tops, and most of all have shown me what happens when we partner with what God is already doing. Thank you.


  1. Bre, I have no doubt that it's gonna be awesome! That's what happens when we dream with God and step out. Scary, yes, I know, believe me, I know. But it's soooo good. I believe in you and your dream and I can't wait to hear all the good stuff that comes of it.
    PS I loved seeing you and briefly catching up in Seward this summer. We'll have to do that again some time. :-)

  2. Nice one Bre. Great to see you both last week. Can't wait to see it in action!
