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On the 17th of April, 2010 The Press Coffee Shop hosted 'Creative Expressions': An art night showcasing local talent and live music to encourage passion for the arts in Dungannon. The night was a brilliant success, much more than I could have hoped for. As I walked around on the night I felt like as if I was living my dream with my eyes wide open. Loads of people turned up to view the art and we were so fortunate that ALL of the art put forward was of a very high standard so a huge thank you to all of the artists and participating schools! The music added an extra element of warmth that invited people in to The Press so the tandem of the art and music worked beautifully as it usually does. We hope to have more events like this in the future and part of what I'll be doing over the summer months is setting out a plan with some new goals for the coming year. The live music will continue to be a staple but The Press may get a bit of a facelift in a few areas, we'll see.
Recently I have had so many moments of pure love for my job in The Press as well as my other job as a receptionist. I know we are in an economic crisis and I feel so privileged that I am allowed to pursue my dreams in the midst of others losing theirs. But I would love to see you all out in support of The Press, especially this Saturday night as it's one of the nights for live music. Dylan Ruane is playing and he's a real crowd pleaser. So hope to see you this Saturday and in the future! Thanks for reading! Oh, and I'm attaching a link to my photos from the Art night if anyone wants to take a peek.