Wednesday, 18 February 2009

School anyone???

Tonight I had my first free business course that's offered through Invest NI for those interested in starting up a business. It was fun being there amidst people from all walks of life. I was encouraged to see quite a few foreign nationals there as well, it shows just how diverse Dungannon really has become. But if I'm honest it was a little boring, or maybe I was just tired. Either way it was still good and I was able to get loads of good tips and info that will help in the prepping process. At the end of the class I went up to ask the instructor a question and found out that she actually attends a church where they are doing something similar to what we want to do at the Vineyard with The Press. Coincidence? I don't think so. I hope that I can gain some valuable tools from this woman. Thank you Lord for this opportunity!

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Where the food ideas will be born...

Onto the next person who will be making part of The Press a reality. Michelle Scott is one of my good friends here in Dungannon and Michelle will be my go to person for food ideas. If you have ever had the privilege of encountering a meal made by Michelle you will understand why I'm asking her for advice. She loves to cook and entertain , plus I trust her instincts -- she's always fed me well so this was right up her alley! Michelle and her husband Jason are the pastors of the Vineyard Church here in Dungannon and we are very happy to call them not only pastors but friends. They have done an incredibe job leading the church into a place of serving our community and we hope The Press will continue that education process. It was this couple who initially approached me with the idea of the coffee shop to see if I was interested so all I can say is thank you for thinking of me. I hope it is all you could dream of!

Michelle and I met up last Friday, the 5th of February to discuss the menu and we decided that less is more. So we will be keeping things on the sweet and simple side as we begin with the possibility of increasing as we go. We will be serving coffee and tea, scones, chocolate chip cookies, hopefully some good old fashioned traybakes and some light options for food like soups and toasties. Now these are our inital thoughts but that can change at any given moment if we realize it won't work or will be too hard to produce. But it's fun to think up yummy lite bites and treats. If you have some amazing recipes that you would like to donate to The Press please just let me know and we will look at them for the future.

Going backwards...

Now that I have started this blog I decided I needed to go back just a bit to fill you all in on the many people who are helping to make this happen.

I'll start with my husband, Bryan. Bryan and I have been married for close to 7 years now and he is my best friend! Throughout the years I have gone on and on about coffee shops and how someday I would love to run one. So when this opportunity came up Bryan immediately pushed me forward through many of my doubts and fears to a place of thinking that this actually could work. He's believed in me from day one and has walked me through many similar conversations that included all of the reasons why I couldn't do this. But in the end his logic, support and love allowed me to see the endless possibilities. Bryan also has a huge heart for The Press tying into what he does on a weekly basis which is work with youth by investing into their lives, pointing them in the right direction and simply being the amazing consistent person that he is. I don't know how he does what he does except for God given vision and strength. Bryan will also partner with me in running the coffee shop as we get it off the ground. He will be the man in charge of cultivating the musical atmosphere as well because his taste in music is far better and far bigger than mine. So I'm indebted to him for thousands of reasons and this will just be one more! Thank you babe for all that you are, do and say! You amaze me!

Monday, 9 February 2009

The journey begins....

So awhile back our church had a space that they converted into what we call The Storehouse. The Storehouse is a community oriented place that longs to serve the community of Dungannon with practical aid in homes, family life, etc. When the Storehouse was being refurbished our leaders Jason and Michelle Scott decided that some of the space should be set up as a cafe environment. So now the Storehouse has this amazing space basically ready to be used as a coffee shop. That is where I come into the picture. I have been asked and given the unique privilege of getting the coffee shop up and running, eventually opening it up to the general public. My husband Bryan has basically been giving me great advice about pursuing my dreams when they are right in front of me so I have a whole wagon load of thanks to throw his direction. I can truly say I would not even be attempting this process were it not for him. I also have a lot of trustworthy, uplifting friends to thank so thank you all. And to my family, thanks for encouraging me always.
When the idea of the coffee shop started to become a reality I immediately wanted to start a blog about it. So hence, this blog has began! I'm so excited to share this journey with anyone who is interested but I think am selfishly doing it so that I can chronicle this part of my life and capture the moments that I experience during this process.
So far the range of emotions I have felt regarding the coffee shop also lovingly known as 'The Press' are as follows: pure and unadulterated fear, indecisiveness, frustration, negativity, hope, apathy and the feeling of being extremely alive. I'm anticipating the many adventures that The Press will present me with. But I think many of them will be a growth experiment for me. Am I ready to tackle my dream? Am I ready to commit to this project and not hold anything back? Am I ready to dream bigger than I ever thought possible because the options seem endless with the directions this place could extend to? Well, I don't have any answers right now but I'm moving forward and for me that's a good place to start. So come along and join this journey. I really hope you do!